

Sponsorship is one of the greatest gifts you can give to our students, by sponsoring a kid you help pay for their uniforms and school supplies. For many kids in low-income and improverished areas, school is something they could only dream of attending. But with the help of education sponsorships, attending school becomes a reality.

We believe that knowledge is power and by providing the high quality education, our kids receive the tools and support they need to become self-sufficient, contributing members of the society. By becoming an education sponsor , you are providing a kid with the key to breaking the chains of generational poverty.

Individual student sponsorships are 13$ a month and you may choose to pay monthly,quarterly or in one yearly sum.
Thanks to Leanne and Hayley for setting up a sponsorship program that has brought out a great impact to the kids’ education.

Through the generous support of our sponsors and donors, we are able to provide housing, education, basic care and supportive environment to everyone in need. Child sponsorship makes a meaningful impact not only to our kids but on the community as well.

This is luqman, one of the students in our sponsorship program, his academic performance is amazing, and hes going to a nice school in Zanzibar, laureate International school.

This is Rehema and she is 14 years of age, a leader of the girls club in Y.L.O. she goes to ben bella secondary school, and would like to become a nutritionist.